
Common causes of expression lines: what causes them

Expression wrinkles

Wrinkles are skin creases that occur as a result of sagging tissues and loss of elasticity. Wrinkles are one of the most common reasons why patients visit cosmetology clinics. Although they do not bring real discomfort or health problems, they visually age the face, even if some people begin to appear at a fairly young age. For some, the fight against them begins to be relevant after 25 years, while for others, the first wrinkles become noticeable only after 40. Why do people get wrinkles? This is due to a huge number of factors: from heredity to lifestyle.

Avoiding aging and wrinkles, being beautiful is one of the main desires of a woman.


Classification of facial wrinkles

It is customary to distinguish between several types of wrinkles. Depending on the accessory, effective ways to eliminate them are selected. Let's list what wrinkles are:

  • Expression wrinkles.

They are called dynamic. They are caused by regular contraction and relaxation of the facial muscles, which, through their movement, greatly affect the skin. And as it becomes less and less elastic over time, this influence only intensifies.

  • Age (static).

Appear naturally over the years. Associated with a decrease in the amount of moisture and collagen in the skin, oxygen stress and problems with metabolic metabolism in the deep layers of the skin. The skin becomes more fragile and dry, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles. Although this cannot be avoided, regular facial care and cosmetology sessions can make the appearance of age less noticeable.

  • Gravitational.

Wrinkles that appear due to sagging skin. These are nasolabial folds and “puppet” wrinkles.

To prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles, you should not try to suppress emotions. Regular skin care and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will be much more effective and beneficial.


A safe and painless way to prevent or get rid of wrinkles. In addition, the work of a massage therapist helps restore blood supply to the skin, return lymph nodes to normal, and make the facial contour clearer and more expressive. It is important not to expect stunning results after the first session. Here, as in the case of cosmetic care, regularity is important. You need to visit a massage therapist more than once, and in principle do it constantly.

Cosmetology techniques

Specialized clinics can offer a wide variety of methods for restoring facial beauty. For brevity, you can combine them into several groups.

  • Mechanical peeling.

Cleaning has a positive effect on the condition of the skin in general. The metabolic system will improve and normal functioning of the glands will be restored. This helps maintain a youthful appearance.

  • Chemical procedures.

The same as for the first point, but using chemical active ingredients: hyaluronic, salicylic lactic and other acids.

  • Injections.

With their help, you can fill the space under wrinkles, which will even out the surface of the skin, and influence the muscles that strain the face.

  • Hardware techniques.

In the fight against wrinkles, phototherapy, laser treatment, and various types of tightening are especially suitable. In several sessions you can achieve good results. Effective against wrinkles.

  • Contour plastic.

Correction of age-related changes occurs thanks to beauty injections. For this, fillers and other gel preparations of the latest generation are used. The drug is injected into the deep layers of the skin and tightens the tissue.

What are expression wrinkles

Expression or dynamic wrinkles are changes in the skin resulting in the appearance of furrows and folds due to impaired tone of the facial muscles. The causes of facial wrinkles have been identified for a long time.

They are not a sign of old age, unlike static wrinkles, and can appear even at a young age. The appearance is due to active, frequent contraction of the facial muscles. Develops in those individuals whose facial expressions are clearly expressed.

Normally, facial muscles contract and relax more than 15,000 times. This is necessary so that the face reflects the emotional state: anger, rage, puzzlement, joy, etc. If a person has pronounced facial wrinkles, then we can say about them that all previously experienced emotions are literally simply written on the skin of their face. For example, in smiling, constipated and cheerful girls, first of all. Wrinkles appear near the corners of the eyes - the necessary paws.

The achievements of modern cosmetology make it possible to successfully combat facial wrinkles and the reasons why they appear. Currently, there are many effective ways to combat them. With the proper approach, “erase” traces of past emotions from your face.

What are expression lines characterized by?

Joyful or sad events always leave marks on the skin of the face. As a result, expression lines appear. Suffering, fun, sadness, happiness, indignation, anger are expressed by our facial expressions millions of times. In youth, facial wrinkles instantly disappear; as soon as the mood changes, then after a few years, deep “creases” in the skin remain. They make the face sad, make the face angry, dissatisfied.

What are facial wrinkles?

Expression wrinkles come in several types:

  • Transverse folds.

They are called "proud wrinkles." They hang over the bridge of the nose. They are formed due to the active contraction of the pyramidal muscles of the proud. She is responsible for lowering the skin of the forehead down. Such folds create the impression of an incredibly fit person, as if he is looking down on everyone around him.

  • Vertically located wrinkles on the bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows).

They are commonly called “anger wrinkles.” They are formed due to the fact that a woman often moves her eyebrows together. This happens with strong excitement, nervous tension in anger, with strong concentration and some other emotions. Such “wrinkles of anger” give the face a very serious, stern expression. True, sometimes, due to the structural features of the skull, the face takes on a sad, offended, suffering look. It should be noted that the appearance of such vertical facial wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows is facilitated by the active activity of the corrugator muscles of the eyebrows. They also have a second name. They are often referred to as “pain muscles.”

  • Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.

Often such creases are called “wrinkles of anxiety” or “wrinkles of a thinker.” They are unique in the degree to which they express emotions. Able to reflect a whole range of surprise, excitement, amazement, confusion, sympathy, humility, sympathy, increased attention. It is generally accepted that such expression wrinkles are added to the face one by one every decade. Over the years, facial wrinkles on the forehead become more and more numerous. They become sharply outlined and deep. sharp and deep. In general, their appearance is associated with the active activity of the occipitofrontal muscle. She is responsible for changing the position of the eyebrows, widening the eyes, making them surprised.

  • "Crow's feet."

These wrinkles are located in the outer corners of the eyes. They are considered a reflection of a person's cheerfulness. They look like thin rays spreading from the eye to the temples and cheeks. Their appearance is associated with the fact that the girl often smiles and laughs. The formation is also influenced by the habit of squinting. And since the skin around the eyes is the most delicate and thin, wrinkles appear in almost everyone. Sometimes the cause of crow's feet is poor vision. If a girl doesn’t see well, she often squints. And this, as already said, is a good background for the appearance of facial wrinkles around the eyes.

Crow's feet can look cute and give your face a constipated, kind, happy look. But if the creases are deep and go down to the cheeks, then the face takes on a tired and dissatisfied appearance. Tension in the annular part of the orbicularis oculi muscle does not go away without leaving a trace and sooner or later leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Expression wrinkles in the mouth area.

They are often called perioral. These are small wrinkles located between the upper lip and nose. They appear if you make your lips into a tube. In some literature, this type is called “smoker’s wrinkles” or “purse-string wrinkles.” If you have the habit of constantly pursing your lips, drinking through a straw, or smoking, then after some time such creases will form.

  • Mentholabial folds.

They usually extend from the corners of the mouth down to the chin. Such wrinkles greatly spoil the expression of the face. They give it a dull, dissatisfied, sad expression. These creases are called “wrinkles of grief” or “puppet lines.” The muscle that lowers the corner of the mouth is responsible for the formation of “marionette lines.”

Reasons for the formation of facial wrinkles

Facial muscles look like small and thin muscle bundles that are located around the eyes, nose, and mouth. These muscles are needed to effectively open and close these physiological openings on the face. In addition, they reflect the emotional state. If we compare them with other (non-mimic) fibers, it is worth noting that they do not have double attachment to the cranial bones, but are simply woven into the skin at their ends. In addition, such muscles do not have fascia. Therefore, when contraction occurs, the facial muscles pull the skin along with them, contributing to the formation of skin folds (wrinkles).

At a young age, the grooves formed due to contractions of the facial fibers straighten out immediately as the muscle returns to its original position. On the face at these moments we see the reflection of various feelings. These appear on the face when expressing various feelings. But over the years, the skin stretches more and more and it becomes much more difficult for it to withstand intense dynamic load. As a result, skin deformations occur, expressed in the form of varying degrees of brightness of facial wrinkles. The skin no longer straightens when the facial muscles relax. Wrinkles become permanent. Over time, their depth and quantity become more pronounced and profound.

Thus, the cause of wrinkles at a fairly young age is contributed by excessive emotionality, which is reflected in no less active facial expressions. If there is a habit of grimacing (for example, constantly squinting your eyes, frowning your forehead with or without cause, regularly wrinkling the bridge of your nose, expressing dissatisfaction by pursing your lips, etc.), then facial wrinkles are more likely to make themselves felt without waiting for old age.

Their formation, among other things, is influenced by genetic predisposition (heredity) and strong emotional shocks.

The intensity of facial wrinkles is directly dependent on the character and temperament of a woman.

But not only facial expressions influence the formation of crow's feet. Factors that stimulate the appearance of wrinkles and their subsequent deepening are the effects of unfavorable factors on the skin. Let's answer the question why wrinkles appear:

  • Due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

The so-called photoaging of the skin. This suggests that it is harmful for the skin to be exposed to the open sun for a long time. In addition, it is necessary to protect delicate areas with special creams that do not transmit ultraviolet radiation.

  • Due to prolonged exposure to wind or low temperatures.

The influence of this factor dries out the skin, deprives it of elasticity, which contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Due to the refusal of sunglasses.

Don't neglect such a simple device. This will help you avoid squinting and thus avoid straining your facial muscles and stretching the skin around your eyes.

  • Due to the use of low-quality or unsuitable cosmetics for your skin type.

In this case, you can do more harm to the skin than help. You need to carefully consider the selection of your skincare line and choose cosmetics that suit your skin type and age.

  • Due to drinking, smoking.

Bad habits have a negative impact on the entire body. Toxins entering the skin as an organ will not bring it health. This leads to a gray complexion, bruises under the eyes and early appearance of wrinkles, including facial wrinkles.

Scientists have discovered the connection between the appearance of facial wrinkles and hormonal levels. For example, in women during menopause, expression lines become more pronounced. This is due to the fact that during serious hormonal changes in the body, dehydration of the skin occurs, it becomes dry, dull, thinner and reacts more sharply to irritants. Wrinkles, the causes of which are described above, can be successfully treated.

How to get rid of expression wrinkles

Women of our time are much luckier. Modern cosmetology is ready to offer a large selection of methods to combat facial wrinkles and the reasons for their appearance. Today you can remove or minimize facial wrinkles by resorting to injection and hardware correction methods. In addition, other techniques are available, which a cosmetologist will tell you in more detail. It is worth understanding that treatment is prescribed strictly individually. The doctor will assess the condition of the skin, select a complex that is most suitable in this case and tell you how to treat facial wrinkles.

The most popular and effective method for eliminating facial wrinkles is botulinum toxin injections. To effectively treat expression lines, medications such as Botox, Lantox, Dysport, Xeomin, Refinex, Botulax and others are used. Depending on the location of facial wrinkles, the drug is injected into the forehead, between the eyebrows, the paraorbit, or near the mouth.

To get rid of small wrinkles without pronounced furrows, mesotherapy is used. It gives superficial skin lifting, smoothes and nourishes cells.

If expression lines appear in adulthood, they can be eliminated in combination with other procedures aimed at combating age-related changes. Contour plastic surgery is recommended. Hyaluronic acid preparations are used. Using fillers, the doctor fills the fold. In this case, the drug enters the intercellular space, attracts water, moisturizes the tissue, thereby giving the skin lost elasticity. The skin fold is noticeably smoothed out. The skin rises to its normal level. For the purpose of prevention, when the first expression wrinkles occur, biorevitalization, plasma lifting, and bioreinforcement can be done.

Injection procedures perfectly complement hardware techniques. They perfectly strengthen the skin and subcutaneous layer of muscles. Such procedures include myostimulation, microcurrents, thermolifting and others. In the fight against small expression wrinkles, anti-aging creams, plasticizing masks, and facial massage have a good effect.

If wrinkles have already become pronounced, then chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and microdermabrasion can correct the situation.

Instant rejuvenation methods show good results. Peptide cosmetics have gained significant popularity among women. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the effect of using such correctors is visible almost immediately. That is, it appears after a couple of minutes, but goes away only after 9-10 hours. As a rule, such products are chosen when you urgently need to become beautiful, get rid of signs of age, facial wrinkles.

We answered the question of what facial wrinkles are, what to do, and why they appear.

Only a doctor should select methods and methods for correcting facial wrinkles. It is only within his competence to prescribe medications and manipulations to eliminate defects in appearance.

Moreover, the procedures can be done either separately or in combination with each other. Before offering optimal treatment, the doctor examines the patient and performs various tests. Therapy should take into account the localization of facial wrinkles, the severity of the problem, the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases, and contraindications.

Prevention of expression wrinkles

Taking into account the main reasons for the formation of facial wrinkles, the most effective method of prevention is to curb facial expressions. expressions of emotions. Of course, this recommendation does not mean that you need to stop laughing, rejoicing, being surprised, or being upset. If your forehead has become wrinkled, then aging can be prevented using modern and preventive methods. You need to stop grimacing and frowning. squint. And this is quite possible. Choose only high-quality, correct cosmetics with a normal shelf life. Remember how important it is to protect your skin from the sun's radiation, and be sure to wear sunglasses. This will help you not wrinkle and avoid aging and wrinkles around the eyes. Only healthy, moisturized and nourished skin with the substances necessary for cells can remain beautiful and young for a long time.

When you need a quick effect

There are cosmetics on the market that will help quickly hide wrinkles on the face, for example, before an important meeting or event. This:

  • Express procedure, carboxytherapy.

It will quickly moisturize the skin and reduce wrinkles, visually smoothing them out. A serum for the eye area with herbal botulinum toxin will help quickly rejuvenate your look.

  • Decorative cosmetics.

Powders, foundations, CC and BB creams can also temporarily reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The main thing is to choose the right shade of the product so that it goes well with the natural color of the skin.

To work more deeply with wrinkles, you will need regular care and work with a cosmetologist.

Common causes of expression lines: what causes them Common causes of expression lines: what causes them Reviewed by sekh farid Uddin Akter on 10:41 AM Rating: 5

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